Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yep, Still Lazy

So this week I am 35 weeks pregnant, and still lazy, hot, tired, and bitchy. I have been off work for the summer for a while now, and I am having a hard time getting anything accomplished around the house. I am totally unaccustomed to not working, and I don't really know what to do with myself. I started working when I was 16, and have never been unemployed since then. Not that I'm unemployed now - I still draw a paycheck, it's just summer. Summer before last, I took 15 hours at ACC, so I didn't have any free time, and last summer, I kept Shelley every day, so she kept me busy, but this year I'm kind of at a loss. I just kind of wander around the house, and hope I get a little something done. It's just that I'm tired all the time, so my motivation is really lacking.

I have been nesting some. We got a bunch of really great stuff at the baby shower, so I have been making Brad move furniture and hang new ceiling fans and all kinds of stuff to get the nursery ready. I have acquired lots of hand me down baby clothes, since a friend's baby is a giant monster baby, and has outgrown all of his stuff really fast. But as a result, I wind up washing and folding all of the baby clothes, and it reminds me how much I absolutely hate - no HATE folding baby clothes. It had been a long time since I had to do it, from when Jack and William (nephew & ex's son) were little, but now I remember. It is like folding a huge basket of nothing but socks and underwear that don't match. I hate even folding my own socks and underwear, and they are likely to sit in a basket until I notice my spastic cat has started dragging them all over the house, hiding them like they are her babies, and trying to nurse them. So to have to fold a huge basket of baby clothes is pure torture. I do not enjoy it. Maybe if they were little girl clothes that were cuter...

Anyway, the nursery, is mostly put together, but it is pretty bare. One thing I have not gotten yet is a lot of the decorative items that are on the registry. I guess those will have to come a little at a time, as we get the money. But for now, the baby does at least have a dedicated space of his own, so that will have to do. We can put stuff on the walls as time goes by.

The baby shower turned out really great. My mom and sisters did a good job of hosting it, and it was a success.

Lots of people showed up, and a good time was had by all. My little sister had the inmates  at the prison custom make a rocking zebra and a toybox for the baby. I am in love with the zebra. It is so adorable.

 After the baby shower, some of my closer friends and family stayed and we had a little pool party. Two of my friends have babies that were about 4 months old at the time, so the babies got to go swimming too, and they had a good time. The water was warm, and they enjoyed splashing. 

This is Misty, and her son Jax Danger.
This is me, with Jennifer's daughter Ella B
So anyway, I had better get going, and hopefully get some crap done around this house. Today, I get to work on addressing wedding invitations for Shannon, my best friend who is getting married in August, but is currently in India, so I get to do the invitations. I'm ready for her to come home!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wow, I Am SO Lazy

Wow, I Am SO Lazy! I haven't bothered posting in a long time. I just haven't felt the blogging urge. There's been plenty going on, just no real inclination to write about it. So what's new? Let me think back... I'm going to do this bullet point style to try to keep it brief.

  • At about 28 weeks I did the glucose test for gestational diabetes, and passed that with flying colors. 
  • During Memorial Day weekend, I got to go to Labor & Delivery, not because of any problem with the baby, but because I had a breast infection / mastitis. Yeah, explain that one to me - I'm not even nursing yet! So they gave me a 7 day course of 4 times per day antibiotics. Blech! We also went to a barbecue, and swimming / fishing at the lake.
  • The next weekend, we went to Port Aransas for a deep sea fishing trip. The time on the boat sucked, but the trip overall was fun. More about that later.
  • This past weekend, we went to Houston for a cat show, and then to let Brad regain a portion of his manliness, we went to a gun and knife show. After that was done, we went to Huntsville and visited my little sister. (More about the reason for the cat show later.)
Last week was my last week of working. I am now off for the summer, and with no plans to return to work after the baby is born. I am currently 31 weeks pregnant. Everything seems to be progressing just fine. My feet have started to swell some, but my blood pressure is staying exactly where it should be, and everything is about par for the course. This weekend is the child birth class, and I'm a little nervous about that. But a friend of my Mom's is teaching it, and she is doing it for us for free, so I will take advantage of it. Especially since I have started to formulate a birth plan that does not include an epidural. I'm not going to be psycho about it, but I have decided that I do not want to be induced unless it is absolutely medically necessary, because inductions can fail, and then you wind up with a C-section. Better to just wait for it to happen when it happens. I am going to try to do it without an epidural or pain drugs, for many reasons. Hopefully I can do it as naturally as possible. We'll see. I know a lot of first time moms say that, and it doesn't happen, but I will give it a try anyway.

I'm getting excited about the babyshower that is coming up on June 27. I want to get to see everybody, and I'll be honest, I want goodies. I haven't bought anything for the baby yet, and I want to start getting the baby's room ready. But I don't want to buy anything until after the shower, and it's getting harder and harder to wait. This is the first shower of any sort I have ever had, and it's exciting. I didn't have a wedding shower or a big wedding, so I got 2 or 3 little wedding gifts and checks from my parents and in-laws and that's it. So I'm excited. But anyway. That's enough for now. I will write separate posts about Port Aransas and the reason for going to the cat show later.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Yesterday afternoon, I was surfing the net, as I am so prone to doing, and I came across a quote that I like. I am not religious; really I am more agnostic because I don't know what to believe. I think I could believe in a higher power, but I have a hard time buying into the whole organized religion thing. I have a great respect for people's various religions, and absolutely cannot tolerate bigots who want to judge others based on their given faiths. Anyway, the quote that I came across is from the Bible, and since reading it, it has stuck with me. It says:

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. --Proverbs 22:6

I like it so much that I think I am going to embroider or cross stitch it, then frame it and hang it in the baby's room as a reminder of how I would like to do things. Hopefully this philosophy will take us where we want to go with this child. I think it will. My goal with this baby, and any others that I might bring into this world, is merely to have them grow up to be good people. That's all I'm really hoping for. Nothing fancy. Just good, honest, hardworking, happy kids who will grow up to be good, honest, hardworking, happy adults.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fish & Whistle

This morning, Brad and I went fishing. Well, really, Brad fished while I sat and watched since my fishing license is expired. We started off at the pond by the hospital, but the cast net got a big hole in it so we switched to rod and reel, and moved over to the old Main Street bridge. It is an old one lane bridge that nobody uses for much of anything anymore. Brad caught probably 15-20 good size perch, but it was a strictly catch and release program this morning, since neither of us felt like cleaning fish today. Here are some pics of our fishies.

Redbreast Perch

Bluegill Perch

Longear Perch
We had a good time catching the fish. There were a lot of pretty ones. We also caught a turtle. It was a Red-ear Slider, but I forgot to take a picture of him. I was kind of hoping to catch a softshell turtle, as we have seen them in that creek before, but we have never been able to catch one before. If we had caught a little one, I would have brought it home and set up an aquarium for it. But, no luck on that. I wish I had thought to take a picture of the bridge and the creek. Maybe next time. We enjoyed ourselves. It was good to get out of the house and do something relaxing that had nothing to do with the baby. Plus, it's always good to get to spend time with my honey. Anyway, that's all. Just thought I would post about fishing.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

24 Weeks

Today I am 24 weeks along in my pregnancy. That means I have 16 weeks left to go. I had my regular OB checkup yesterday, and everything looks good. Blood pressure was fine, he seemed pleased with everything else. Aside from the back troubles, everything is progressing smoothly thus far. We have narrowed down our name choices for our baby boy to two - either Austin James Woodruff or Travis James Woodruff. We keep going back and forth between those two, and may not make a final decision until we meet him. We still have not purchased any baby stuff, and we are trying to hold off until after the baby shower, which will be on June 20, at my mother's house. I hate having to stand in line for customer service, so I am trying to avoid needing to return anything. The urge to nest is starting to get a little stronger, though. Especially since it is starting to look more and more like I am going to get a take-home baby out of the deal. According to some sources, a baby born in the 24th week has a 60% chance of survival, depending on sex, race, and NICU quality. As someone who has dealt with infertility, statistics like that definitely cross my mind. It certainly is helping make it seem more real, knowing that even if I suddenly went into labor today, I could still get a live baby to take home with me in the end (after NICU, of course). Not that I want that to happen, of course, but if it did, there is a decent chance that it could turn out okay. I know it's probably kind of morbid to think like that, but I can't help it. Each week that passes will make it seem more real.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Long Update

So it's been a while since I posted. What can I say - I've been busy/lazy. I guess the biggest news is that during week 19 (spring break), we found out that the baby is a boy, and is by all indications healthy. The video from the ultrasound is below, if you're interested.


Brad and I also celebrated our one year anniversary on March 18. Also during spring break, I went to San Antonio and visited a couple of my friends from high school. One of them has a brand new baby girl, and she is adorable. Then after I came back from S.A., we had the ultrasound, and it went well. After the ultrasound, Brad and I drove to McGregor, TX and spent the night at my Dad's house. We had a good time visiting there. Then we continued northward to Corinth / Denton, TX to visit Brad's little sister and my friend Shannon. I have known Shannon since elementary school, and she is my bestest buddy. We stayed with my s-i-l for three nights, and had a great time hanging out with her and her two girls and their dad. Then we came home and spring break was over. The next weekend I babysat for our friends, Jay & Misty. They have a new baby boy, and needed to get of the house for a while. I had a good time with the baby, and got a refresher on my newborn skills. And I got to lay on the couch and watch Dirty Jobs, which is always a crowd pleaser. (Mike Rowe is hot!)

 So anyway, back to the blogging. Last week, I missed 2.5 days of work because I was having really severe headaches and nausea. I went to the OB, and my blood pressure is fine, and there was only trace amounts of protein in the urine, which the doctor seemed fine with. He referred me to a neurologist, and said that the headaches were likely causing the nausea. My neurologist appointment is scheduled for this coming Monday. This week my allergies are kicking my ass. I've got a sore throat, a cough and congestion. Blech. But I am 22 weeks pregnant, which means I am more than halfway done. So yay! for that. We got our baby registry done. We are registered at Babies R Us. The baby's room will be done in a jungle theme. I saw this set and fell in love. It's perfect - masculine,  not too cutesy, and it will match the paint that is already on the walls so that I don't have to repaint. The set is called Baby Cocoa. I have also started crocheting a blanket for the baby from a soft, terrycloth-like yarn. It is in chocolate brown and forest green stripes, and is very cuddly.

For those of you who are thinking about asking - no, we have not picked out a name yet. We have a list of contenders, and will pick soon, but we don't know yet. We'll see. I have had a bajillion different people pestering me about the name, and I am starting to get a little annoyed. Anyway, that's about it for now.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Weeks 17 & 18

Let me just start by saying that pregnancy sucks. It has its moments, but for the most part it sucks. I really miss my good migraine medicine, and wish I could take it. But, since it causes birth defects, I'll refrain from taking it for now. I'm still having to visit the chiropractor twice a week, to keep the pinched nerves in check. The morning sickness is pretty much gone, although it did actually make me puke last week, which was a first. Other crappy things aboug pregnancy: I have to pee like every half hour and it's getting worse. Also, my bras have shrunk. Or my boobage has expanded. Whichever it is, it sucks. I had a breast reduction for a reason, dammit. I don't like having gargantuan titties. Most women like this side effect of the hormones, but not me. I hate having to buy expensive bras, but this increase in size may make it so I don't have a choice. Ughh! I thought I had tamed the twins, but apparently Eddie & Earl are back in action.

On to the good news: I am looking forward to next Wednesday, when we will (hopefully) find out the sex of the baby. It will also be our one year anniversary that day. I've felt the little bugger wiggle around in there a couple times (I think), but I have to be laying very still to notice. We got the results back on the Nuchal Translucency / Sequential screening tests. We are all clear for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18, and spina bifida. So that's a relief. Also, I only only have 3 more work days until spring break. Then I will have 9 whole days off. Yay! We got our trees last week, and 7 of them are already planted. Brad has been working his ass off, and the front yard is done. Now for the back yard. But, most of the trees that are going in the back yard are much smaller, so they should be easier. That's about all for now.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

16 Weeks and the Fertile Girdle

So I'm 16 weeks pregnant now, and I wore maternity pants for the first time today. Yesterday after my appointment with the perinatalogist, I went to Motherhood Maternity at Highland Mall. I just wanted to try on some maternity pants so that I would know what size to get if I want to order some online. Well, the shop at Highland didn't have a single item in the store larger than a 1X. But the girl there told me to try the store at Barton Creek Mall. So, at 4:30 in the afternoon, I drove through Austin traffic on MoPac to try a different store. I got there and they did have a limited selection of big girl clothes. One little wall and two little racks, but it was better than nothing. I discovered that I wear a 2X in maternity clothes, which is a size smaller than I was expecting, so that was a pleasant surprise. Really the 2X is even a little baggy on me. But I wound up getting a pair of denim capris, and a pair of blue jeans. I also got their version of the bella band. I got home and was showing Brad what his money bought, when he made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself. I held up the Tummy Sleeve thingy, and the first words out of his mouth were, "That should be called a Fertile Girdle." That's funny shit - I don't care who you are. So hereafter, I shall refer to my bella band / tummy sleeve as a Fertile Girdle. Today I wore the pair of capris and they were very comfortable. I was pleased.

Friday, February 20, 2009

15 Weeks

It has been a long week. I am exhausted. I keep having to go to the chiropractor because my back/pelvis keep getting out of whack while I'm at work. When I come home, I rest for a little while, and when I try to get up again, it hurts so bad I can barely walk. It holds just fine when I'm not at work, but it keeps slipping out of alignment when I go to work and deal with the kids. It's very frustrating. I'm 15 weeks along, with 25 to go. Oh well. It will be over eventually.

I do, however, have some good news. We got our tax return back. $6603. Not bad, huh? So after we pay the house taxes, and a few outstanding medical bills, we are going to get trees. In the 24 years that Brad has lived in this house, he has never gotten around to planting trees. We have a couple hackberry trees that have come up on their own, but they don't really count. So we are getting trees. We are going to get a bur oak, which will get absolutely huge, and a Monterrey oak. The Monterrey oak is also known as a Mexican white oak, and in this area they are generally evergreen. They lose their leaves in colder climates, but here in temperate central Texas, they stay green all year. We are going to also get some fruit trees - peach, apricot, and plum. The peach tree we get will be a Sam Houston peach tree, which is the same variety I grew up with. We may also get some crepe myrtles, and maybe a bradford pear or a flowering dogwood. Maybe also a sycamore. If you can't tell, I'm excited about trees, and the promise of shade.

The tax return is also going to allow us to go on a little trip during spring break. Brad has March 18-22 off. That's five whole days. On the 18th, which is our one year anniversary, we will be finding out the sex of the baby. Then after that we are going to drive up to Dallas to see Brad's sister and my best friend Shannon. I'm excited about getting to go out of town. With all the fertility treatments, it's been a long while since we have had the time and money to go anywhere. During the beginning part of spring break, I am going to try to get down to San Antonio to see my friends Penny and Jenny, and Jenny's new baby. I haven't seen either of them in well over a year, I believe. It may have been longer than that. Anyway, I'm out of here to go find something for dinner.

Friday, February 13, 2009

14 Weeks

I am 14 weeks pregnant, and I am tired. That is the main thing I can say about all of this so far. I'm just tired. I feel exhausted all the time, and I just want to sleep. The nausea is only occasional now, mostly in the evenings. I have not gained any weight, and I'm trying not to, but my little bit of a bump keeps growing. My back / hips hurt like hell. My pelvis is doing funky things, which pinches a nerve that makes my low back hurt really bad. I've been going to the chiropractor twice a week, and that keeps the pain mostly manageable. There's really not much else going on right now, and this a boring part of the pregnancy. Oh well.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Still Bitchin' as Usual

Yet again, it has been a while since I've updated. I am 13 weeks pregnant today. Pregnancy is still miserable. I can't take my allergy medicine, so I am now sick because of all the damn cedar. The all-day-sickness has subsided to just being evening nausea, so that's good. The cravings haven't stopped, though. Today, I absolutely had to have tater tots. My headaches have been getting steadily worse - I have one right now, so I am trying to keep this short. My back hurts like hell, and my chiropractor says it will likely continue to get worse. Lifting anything hurts my back, and my OB has restricted me from lifting more than 25 pounds for the duration of the pregnancy. Every night I come home tired and miserable. I have been living on tylenol, and tylenol PM. I go to bed early, and wake up still tired and sore. And I know it will just get worse. The next person who says, "Oh, you're past X milestone - now you can sit back and enjoy your pregnancy," is going to get slapped. Thus far, I have found nothing enjoyable about pregnancy, and anybody who says differently can bite my ass!

To make matters worse, even though I have not gained any weight, my middle has started to expand just enough that I have to leave my blue jeans unbuttoned. Nobody else can tell the difference, but in order to leave my jeans unbuttoned, I need longer shirts. Nearly all of my shirts are just not quite long enough. So I went to Wal-Mart yesterday to find some longer shirts. I discovered that fat chicks aren't supposed to get pregnant. The largest maternity shirt they had was an XL. There were plenty of smalls, but only like two XL's, which won't even fit me. So I had to go to the men's section and get huge men's shirts to find something long enough. I was so mad when I left there. Oh well.

Last Monday I went to my two doctor appointments. At the first one, I found out the results of my bloodwork. I got a 91 on the glucose test, which means I passed that bitch with flying colors. Hopefully I will do that well on the one at 28 weeks. Also, my thyroid is within normal range, so we don't have to adjust that either. Then I met up with my mom for the NT scan, and everything looked good. We found out that they only do a video at the anatomy scan, so I got some regular pics. The kid is starting to look a little more human, so that's cool. To get the baby to turn over so she could take measurements, she jiggled the ultrasound thingy around on my tummy. Boy, that pissed the little person off. I thought it was funny. I go back to my OB on Feb 23, and back to the perinatologist on Feb 24. Then I find out the sex on March 20. I can't wait. I'm excited about the whole baby thing, but the whole pregnancy thing I could really do without. I'm going to go lay down now -- or lie down -- whichever is the proper way to do it. Anyway, I'm out.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lazy Me

Okay, so I've been really bad about blogging lately. I'd give you all sorts of reasons and excuses as to why, but mostly it boils down to one thing -- I'm LAZY! Granted, I have been going to bed several hours early nearly every night, due to sheer exhaustion. And I have felt nauseous pretty much all day, every day. But in the time when I could have been blogging, instead I have laid upon my fat ass watching TV and whining about how tired and/or nauseous I am. Real productive, right? It's not like I have been puking or anything - I haven't. I never throw up. I just wish sometimes that I could. In this first little bit of pregnancy, at one point I had lost 14 pounds. It's just that there wasn't anything I wanted to eat (weird, huh?). Although, I will admit that I have gained 3-4 lbs. back in the past few days, due to my weird cravings. Friday, I NEEDED nachos - lots of nachos. Yesterday, I HAD TO HAVE CiCi's Pizza. Several times, I have craved Chicken and Gnocchi Soup from the Olive Garden. And through all of this, Brad has been a good sport, bringing me what I crave. Well, he is still bitching about the time I made him go into the Olive Garden in grease-covered clothes after he had been working on Michael's car all day. But he's still been really good about it all.

On Monday, Jan. 12th, I got to go to my first appointment with my regular OB. It was really nice getting to go to an appointment where the doctor is willing to spend time with you, and listens to what you say. If anybody in Austin wants the name of a great OB/Gyn, just let me know. I've used him for years, and he is the best. So while I was there, he did an ultrasound. This was the first time I have had an on-the-tummy ultrasound. We weren't able to see very much, as his machine isn't that great for early pregnancy, but I did get to see the baby moving around inside the sac. It was measuring just over an inch long. I did get a printed picture, but you really can't see much. I also got scheduled for the Nuchal Translucency scan, for Monday, Jan 26th. That will be done at the Texas Perinatal Group. It should be a good ultrasound, and I will get a video of it. I also go back to see my OB that day. Tomorrow, I have to go do a test to make sure I don't have Gestational Diabetes. Normally, that vile test is done at about 28 weeks, but if there is a reason to suspect it, they do it earlier, and again at 28wks. I don't have a previous history of it, obviously, but since I am a fat chick with PCOS and a family history of diabetes, it puts me at risk. So I get to do the test early. Yay, what fun!

I think later on today, we will get a big box of chicken, and go for a picnic at the river. The high today is supposed to be 74. I realize it will still be too cold to go swimming, but the boys and the dogs can run around and play. Sounds fun to me. Everybody have a great day! Oh, and don't forget to vote in my poll over to the right. And leave a comment, so I know who bothers to read this crap. Laters!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Ultrasound Pics & Update

Okay, here's the pic from Ultrasound #2 (I don't have a copy for #1). The date was 12/24/2008, and I was 6w3d pregnant. The heart rate was 126 bpm, and the baby measured 5.9mm. The doctor neglected to mention that it was 5 days behind in size, but I'm kinda glad that we didn't find that out until the next appointment because it would have just stressed me out more. The big round thing in the middle of the sac is the yolk, and the little c-shaped thing off to the side of that is the baby.

Now here's the pic from Ultrasound #3. The date for that one was 1/2/2009, and I was 8w1d pregnant. The heart rate had gone up to 176 bpm, and the baby had grown to 15.2 mm. This time the baby's size was only off by 2 days, so it is catching up. The somewhat-c-shaped blur is the baby (no yolk is visible in these pics).

I did more labwork on 12/31/08, and my progesterone had gone up to 37.4. That was enough that at my appointment on 1/2/09, the doctor felt it was safe to take me off the progesterone supplements. Also, since the baby has been growing well, she was willing to release me to my regular OB/Gyn. So my next appointment is with my oh-so-fine OB on Monday 1/12/09, and I should have another ultrasound then. I'm glad to be done with the fertility clinic for a while. They did a great job, and did what they were supposed to do, but I'm glad to move on. Brad and I are pretty excited, and relieved that things seem to be picking up speed. Brad has been telling pretty much everybody he knows - even the bank teller! It's kinda cute. He's pretty much a typical male when it comes to (not) sharing his emotions, but I can tell he is excited about being a Dad (again). After all, it's been nearly twenty years since the last time he had an expecting wife. Anyway, I'm glad to be getting this show on the road finally.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009!

So today is the start of a new year, and I am glad for it. So far, it is shaping up to be a better year than the last. Granted, I did get married last year, and that was awesome, but a good portion of the year sucked. I also managed to get pregnant toward the end, but the initial stages of that have been fraught with worry and fear of miscarriage. Only on Christmas Eve did I finally get some relief, in the form of a strong heartbeat on the ultrasound. The bulk of the year was spent doing infertility treatments that just made me sad and miserable. So to 2008: I'm glad to see you go.

2009 looks like it may be much better. If everything goes as planned, I should give birth to a healthy baby in August, which has the potential to make the whole year. I shouldn't have to do any fertility treatments this year, and that sounds really good, too. And, to top it off, I will get to be off work for two months before the baby is due, because of the way the school schedule works. Yay! for summer break. If I can just get through this next semester, it will all be okay. Before too long, I should be able to start buying baby stuff. 2009, I'm glad you're here.

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